Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm sure it will shock you to know that things around here aren't always sunshine and roses. Sometimes, it's a bit hectic/crazy/ridiculous in this house I heard a mom say recently that on those crazy days when things are just one step away from being totally out of control, she reminds herself, "I will miss this someday." And it has sort of stuck with me.

That refrain was especially helpful yesterday when the TV table tipped onto Abby, and Maggie pinched her finger on the same table while rescuing Abby, while I was just trying to brush my teeth, and all I could hear was the shrieking of my older 2 daughters.
And it came back to me as I felt like a terrible mother for putting Maggie on the bus even though her cheeks were tear-stained and her hair was a mess and it seemed like she was having "one of those days."
And when Katherine asked me to play Memory for the third time yesterday, and I really wasn't feeling like it, I thought to myself, "Self, someday you will BEG her to play games with you. Do it. Now. Enjoy it."

So I'm going to keep reminding myself...they grow so fast, and someday I'll miss all of these crazy moments. So for now, I'll enjoy them while I can!

Changing gears....

I've been making a mental list of funny things to blog about this week
..... Katherine deciding it's her duty as big sister to teach Abby everything she knows how to do as she does it every day. "See Abby, this is how you stand up on one foot, then the other and then again, see and now I'm walking, you can do it too!" "See Abby, this is food. And you pick it up with your hand and your fingers, and you put it in your mouth, and you use your teeth to chew it up and then it goes in your belly, see?"
..... Maggie, who came home in tears from a ski lesson with Chris, but when I asked her if she had fun she laughed through her tears and told me it was awesome and that next time she'd go even faster than Daddy.
.......Abby, who is now quite adept at moving around the room.....on her bottom. She just sits and bounces until she reaches what she wants And she's still talking, NON STOP. Video Proof.

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