Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! I started this blog exactly one year ago. I wasn't sure how it would work, but I thought I'd give it a try. Looking back, I'm so glad that I did. I love re-reading the funny things the girls have done, those little things that are so easy to forget. It was a pretty exciting year for us and I'm eager to see what 2010 has in store. Thank you for reading, and enjoy these funny kid-moments...which all occurred yesterday, just another day in our crazy, wonderful life.

As Chris and I are chatting in the kitchen, Katherine marches in. One hand out in front and above her head, the other pushed out behind her. She’s singing Jingle Bells as loud as humanly possible. It wasn’t until her second pass through the kitchen that we saw her front hand was actually holding the Baby Jesus from our Nativity scene. It was a parade for Jesus, with Jingle Bells.

Maggie, ever the optimist, is the best cheerleader for Wii. It doesn’t matter if you miss when you swing in Baseball, You’ll get a “Great Try Mom!” And if you actually HIT the ball? “Wow Mom, Great hit – you hit it really far. Yeah, it’s a foul ball, but that was a really great hit!” Or in Bowling, “Great Job….you got 3 pins! That was great!” She is just as excited for her sister to do something well as she is to do it herself. “Little Polly Positive” I guess!

Abby knows when you’re making a bottle. She sees it when you take the bottle off the counter,

she watches you put it in the microwave, and she will turn her head and search for you when she hears the sound of the fork mixing in the bottle. And don’t even THINK about taking that bottle and walking to a different room to grab something before you feed her, oh no. Once she knows it’s coming – you’d better not stop, pass GO or collect $200. You’d better get that bottle into her mouth ASAP. If you do, you will be rewarded with flapping arms, giant smiles, and a cuddly baby. And after she’s done, she will thank you by making noises and trading sounds back and forth like she’s having a conversation with you. Adorable.

Katherine, again. Wanders through the room with a magnifying glass up to her eye. “What are you doing Katherine?” “I’m wooking for fings dat are ree-wee wittle. I can see dem wif dis fing” and she walks on by, not stopping to chat, just wooking for fings dat are ree-wee wittle.

Maggie and Katherine created a new game- playing “Santa and Elf.” Katherine wears a Santa hat, and carries a "backpack" filled with random items. Maggie is the “elf” who tells Santa what to do. They use their walkie talkies to communicate (though they are in the same room) Santa’s sleigh is the couch, and he (she) visits “houses” (wherever Maggie points in the room) to deliver presents (from the backpack.) Favorite line of the day? K: “I’m getting tired of this” M: “Come on Santa, only 2 more houses to go, YOU CAN DO IT!”

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