Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What a day.

I had to stay at work last night as there was no one scheduled to relieve me at 1130pm. Luckily a day shift nurse came in at 5, so I was only there 14 instead of 16hours, but still, it meant I was up for 24+ hours. Yawn!

Add to that the winter storm we had the entire time I was at work, and it made for an interesting drive home. Made even more interesting by the announcement that the girls would get a snow day and be home all day with me. (Chris works for one of only 3 districts in this area that did NOT cancel, so he had to go!)

All of this excitement just as I arrived home at 6am!

And then along came Katherine, bouncing out of bed ( highly unusual for my sleeping beauty) because her bottom tooth was very loose. You have to understand that Katherine is the last kid in her class to have all of her teeth. She's been waiting to lose a tooth since Kindergarten. This was a MAJOR development.

So while I'm trying to keep my eyes open, talk to Chris, get my bearings, make new plans for my day, etc  Katherine is begging for an apple.  I finally told her to just get an apple - but that she should be gentle with the tooth and realize that it might be loose for a few days before it actually falls out!

She started gnawing on that apple like an animal, determined to lose her tooth today. She quickly realized that it hurt to do that, and then was in tears - not so much because of the pain, but because she wanted the tooth OUT!  Tears about a tooth, at 0615, after no sleep. I took a deep breath and tried my best to be gentle.

Very long story shorter, after Chris left we all camped out on the couch for a bit and I guess she was just pulling on the tooth the whole time because before 0800, the tooth was out and I had a VERY HAPPY Katherine in my house!

The rest of the day is a blur. We had some TV, some play time, some nap time. Honestly, the girls were very patient with me and we all made it through. We got all the laundry done and even managed to throw together a nice dinner - thank you leftover spaghetti sauce in the freezer and bread machine for your simplicity!  Later afternoon, I was feeling bad that on a snow day the kids hadn't even gotten to play in the sno, so we went out to shovel/play. They had a blast. The snow is so deep and wet/heavy that Katherine lost her boot a few times and Abby kept getting stuck/falling over.

Of course the day couldn't end without a little drama. Back to the tooth. Katherine couldn't decide if she should leave the tooth in an envelope, or in the special tooth holder box that Maggie shared with her. She went back and forth a few too many times, because at some point, the tooth was lost. (Mom guilt, I feel bad that if I wasn't so tired/ambivalent today I might have stopped this extra playing with the tooth and it wouldn't have gotten lost.) She was upset, but I reminded her that the tooth must be in the house, most likely in her room. So either the Tooth Fairy will find it herself, or we will find it eventually, but that I was sure theTooth Fairy would understand if she wrote a note.

I guess she did write an addendum to her note, but it was all sealed before I could read it: Stay Tuned!

And now, my bed is calling. Tomorrow is a new day!

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