Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Talking about Ash Wednesday, and what it means, led to talking about the concept of giving things up for Lent.
Maggie's quite excited for Ash Wednesday as it will be her first Mass as an Altar Server.
All of this came about because as we talked about our dinners for the week, I mentioned that we would try not to eat meat on Wednesday and Friday this week. The conversation then went to giving things up, fasting, abstinence, the idea that rather than give something up, you could add something to your every day routine to remind you of Jesus.
I, personally, have not given anything up for a few years, but we talked about why people do, what it means, it's been an ongoing conversation all day.

As we got ready for bed tonight Katherine said, "I'm going to give up sleeping in my bed for Lent. I will just sleep on the floor."
"Well, Jesus slept in that garden, so I can sleep on my floor!"

Once we moved past that, she said to me, as I helped her brush her teeth, "I just don't know what to give up. Maggie said Chocolate, but I don't think I want to do that."
I offered, "Maybe you could give up fighting with your sisters?"
"Oh, NO! That would be HARD!" she exclaimed!
"Harder than chocolate?"I asked?
"WAY harder!"

So,  there you have it.

It's not so important that they give anything up, but I'm glad we can have conversations about what people do and why, and help them grasp some of these concepts in their smart little brains.  And I love the glimpse into their brains as they make the connections!

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