Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A few gems for the memory file.
 A bag of goldfish crackers? Blog worthy? Perhaps not. But it's what you'll find hidden within the bag of crackers that made me laugh out loud. Maggie packed her snack for school, and tried to hide a Dove candy under the goldfish. She was quite disappointed when I caught her.  "But how did you know?"
Moms know EVERYTHING of course!

Fancy Nancy and the Grinch. Who'd have thought that a simple "Dress like your favorite character" day at school could cause so much drama?    Leave it to my girls.  Katherine was just indecisive, Pinkalicious, Junie B, Katie Kazoo, Fancy Nancy?  She went with Nancy because of the $1 aisle Target hat that we found and the idea of carrying a purse full of accessories.  Maggie was convinced that Roald Dahl's the BFG was her best choice. And I agreed - given that his descriptions are so detailed. However, Maggie was horrified that we'd have to improvise on some of the details of his outfit. He carries a brown suitcase with glass jars. I offered her a black purse with some plastic tupperware - NOT ACCEPTABLE!   A Men's suit vest? How about a sweater vest? NO WAY! A large piece of felt for a cape? FORGET IT!  Then she had a fit about what else she could be.  Finally I suggested this repurposed bookworm costume with a Christmas Hat, and life was good again.  Sigh, nothing is simple!

Speaking of drama, Katherine had a great line this afternoon. Of course it wasn't fair that I was asking the girls to put away laundry before Chris got home from school. Of course no one was working as hard as Katherine was. And Katherine was just in a heap of self pity that life wasn't fair. Somewhere along the way, Maggie was bothering Katherine and Katherine solved the problem by stepping on Maggie's feet, which caused Maggie to bump her back and have an injury.   Somehow in the discussion of what/how/why it had happened, Katherine started crying that everyone was being mean to her, and in the most dramatic way she could, she stomped her feet off to her bedroom screaming, "You're all being mean to me, every single one of you, and I'm going to remember this.....FOREVER!" Can't imagine where she gets her flair for the dramatic!

And how about Abby? Last night Abby was told that she was to stay in her bed until 0630. She saw it on her clock, we knew she could identify it, we knew she could do it.  As I got in the shower at 600 I did not hear her. Just as I was opening the door to my room to go downstairs, I her her little moan "Oh no!" and then crying.  I went into her bedroom where she had a book up on her windowsill trying to find enough light to read. I asked her what was wrong and she cried, pointing at the clock, "Wook! I missed da firty, I've been waiting for da firty and now I missed da firty!"
She had missed the 30 - it was 0636 and she thought since she had missed 0630 she wasn't allowed to wake up!

And my final random story. Abby got to bring home the story bag from school today. I was working in the kitchen as she took out the pieces. "Ooooh It's a PUZZLE with this book Mommy!" pause "but it only has LOWERcase letters, no UPPER case letters, grrrr"

A few minutes later I heard, "Aha! I made it work!"

I went to see what she was talking about and found her like this. "I spelled my name, ABBY, but I had to use the lowercase letters!"

She took the 'd' and used it as a 'b'  She then tried to spell as many words as she could using the puzzle letters. She has been figuring out many sight words and watching her brain explode with the fun of reading is just as fun as it was when her sisters figured it out!

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