Friday, January 27, 2012

Another Friday, another blog post. This time is not so fun. Abby's got the " Fro-ups."

Of course it's never fun to have puking in the house, but even less fun is puking with the youngest, most inexperience kid. She has no aim, she's scared of puking, and her coping mechanism is to run around scared while she's puking.

Aren't you glad you're reading this?

But here's a funny story.
The big girls are off at school, and she'd gone more than an hour without incident. So I thought we might be OK. (Spoiler alert - we weren't!) My coffee was kicking in with an energy burst, I have my 3rd load of laundry running, so I thought - hey, why not clean the bathrooms as long as we're stuck at home and I have energy?
Then, I had a second brainstorm. HEY! I got new running shoes yesterday - I should wear them here in the house to make sure they feel good before I take them to the gym tomorrow!
(Insert visual of me excitedly lacing up my new shoes.)
I came downstairs, checked to see that Abby was still fine, and set about gathering my supplies. Abby came over and clung to my leg, whining about wanting food. I explained again that any food would make her have more 'fro-ups' and picked her up to give her a hug and take her back to the couch.

And then she puked. On me. And I'm only slightly ashamed to admit that I tossed her out of my arms, toward her bowl, shouting "IN THE BOWL, ABBY! IN THE BOWL!" while I assessed the damage to my BRAND NEW SHOES!
The shoes miraculously escaped the mess. The rest of my kitchen floor was not so lucky.

As I was cleaning up, she shouted "I NEED TO PEE!"(relieved that she's not so dehydrated that she can't pee) so we ran to the bathroom, where we discovered she had some mess on the legs of her jammies. She was sad to have to switch jammies (for the 4th time today) and I said, "See, Abby, that's why you have to put your throw ups in the bowl, then it's not so messy!" Her eyes lit up, and she said in amazement, "Mommy, that's a GREAT idea!"

So, we'll see what the rest of the day brings. Maybe by the end of today she'll have expert skills. I can only hope!

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