Wednesday, January 4, 2012

At the beginning of October, Katherine's class read the book I LOVE MY HAIR. It was their "book of the week" so they spent a lot of time with it. Ever since then, Katherine has been asking me, "When can I have lots of braids in my hair?"

I've always put it off, made up an excuse, or just said, "Not today."

But for the last week she has asked every day (instead of every 3rd since she first read the book!)

Tonight I told her we could try it.

I wasn't sure if she would be able to sit still long enough.

And I wasn't sure if my braiding skills would be up to the task.

But with a TV show to distract her, she made it 25 minutes with only mild squirming. And my hands managed to twist her slippery, fine hair into something resembling braids.

I had thought it would turn out ridiculous, and we'd have a good laugh at how silly it was.

But it was halfway decent and the beaming smile on her face made it all worth it!

We left it loose for bed tonight. But she did ask,
"Mommy, someday, do you think I could wear my fancy braids to school?"

"We'll see, Katherine, we'll see."

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