Monday, April 5, 2010

After writing the last post, I came down with a bout of Spring Fever. And we've been so busy enjoying the sunshine that I have neglected the blog. I was scolded yesterday, so here you are.

Let's start with today - a GORGEOUS day in Franklin. It's the first day of spring break and the weather could not be any nicer! Maggie and Katherine were outside from 9-1230, even eating their lunch picnic style in their play house. Abby and I were in and out during that time. She wasn't quite sure what to do with herself outside. She found it difficult to scoot along in the grass or on the deck, she wasn't too fond of her hat, and she was frustrated that each time she found something interesting enough to eat, I grabbed it out of her hands.

Yesterday we enjoyed a day in West Bend celebrating Easter with the Sepersky clan. Grandma (Boom Boom) made a delicious lunch and we enjoyed time with the "Great Greats" and Uncle Bill and Aunt Evy. The day started at 0645 when Maggie and Katherine exclaimed "we can see the eggs, the bunny came to our house!" before running down the stairs to find their surprises. They found plenty of plastic eggs filled with M&Ms and Jelly Beans for the big girls, cheerios and goldfish crackers for Abby. They were excited about jump ropes, coloring books and watercolors as well.

The last few weeks have been pretty busy. I spent 2 days as a substitute teacher in Katherine's preschool class. We had a great time. What a fun age, but wow, I think I'm glad I don't have 20 3-5 year olds every day!
Chris had his spring concerts which were, of course, a smashing success. The theme this year was Broadway Hits and the audience really connected with the songs. Maggie and Katherine had been listening to a CD Chris made for them so they knew every song. Thankfully, they remembered to sing only in their heads during the concerts. They both enjoyed getting on stage after the concert though - to dream about being a star some day.
Abby had her 11 month birthday on the 21st of March. It's hard to believe she's only 3 weeks from her first birthday! She had her last bottle of formula today and will be on regular milk from here on out. (I was tired of buying formula, so I declared this was the last can. She's been on half milk/half formula for about 2 weeks and doing fine.) She's been experimenting with plenty of other "real" foods too. She loves fruit, bread, crackers, cheese, deli meat, pizza, peas, carrots, and beans. In fact I'm not sure she has rejected anything we've offered her! Except of course, her cup. She does NOT like to drink from her cup - no matter what I put in there- juice, water, milk- she'll bite on the spout, and occasionally something drips into her mouth, but she sputters and gags and throws her cup to the floor when that happens.
She continues to use her bottom to scoot along - not crawling in a traditional form. She pulls herself to her knees, and a few times we've found her standing, but for the most part she is not interested in standing or walking yet. She likes to sit herself up, especially in her crib. She is no longer the easiest baby to put to sleep as she will sit up and play and then cry for you to come back and settle her back down again.
Her favorite playtime activities are knocking down towers of blocks and shrieking with delight, and eating her board books. As well as destroying whatever her sisters are playing with.

Finally, my news from last week - I had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee to repair a lateral meniscus tear and remove a cyst. I've had a nagging pain for as long as I can remember, but it always went away with an ibuprofen. I mentioned it during a routine physical and suddenly I was having an MRI, meeting with an orthopedic surgeon and having surgery. It was a same day procedure, and thanks to my Dad and Chris' Mom, the girls barely noticed I was gone. Recovery is going well and while I'm not up to my usual speed yet, I'm happy to be free of crutches and mostly free of pain meds.
Depending on how my knee is feeling, and if my doctor will allow it, I hope to be walking in the March of Dimes March for Babies on April 24. Even if I am not able to walk, I will support the cause, and those who will walk. I walk in memory of my nephew Will, and in honor of the many babies saved by the work of March of Dimes. You can support me with my walk by clicking here, or use the same link to find a walk in your area. Thank you!

And now that we're all up to date, it's time to get back out and enjoy the sunshine. Tomorrow's forecast is for cooler temperatures and rain! Boo!

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