Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Where has the year gone? It seems like yesterday that we drove to the hospital in the cold, dark, and yes, even snow. I still remember walking into L&D and saying “Hi, I’m Ann and I’m having my baby today.”

Wasn’t it just yesterday that we came home on that gorgeous 80 degree day? All the windows of the house open, balloons flying everywhere, baby toys lovingly set out in the family room, your sisters begging for us to let you play with each toy, not understanding that you were far too little for a bouncy seat, a swing, or a play mat.

No, it has been a year, and so we stop to celebrate you, Abby, on your first birthday.

We celebrate you because you are so amazing.You are your own little person, and every day we get another glimpse into who you are. You are funny. You are good natured and happy. You laugh and smile and rarely cry. You pay attention to everything, hear everything, see everything.

You won’t crawl, but you can get wherever you want to go by scooting along on your bottom. You are loud, exploring your voice with the different sounds that you can make. You love to sleep, which has been a blessing for your parents. From the beginning you had a schedule that worked for everyone and you certainly win the prize for best sleeper of the Sepersky girls.

You love to eat. I spent so much time worrying about breastfeeding in the beginning. Once we figured out that it was formula that you wanted, it was smooth sailing. Now you’ll try anything we offer you. Every new food gets the same confused face, followed by a smile, “More please!”

Yes, Abby, you are amazing.

I think you had a great day. You and I had a few really great snuggles. You played with your sisters. Boom Boom came while Katherine and I took a school field trip. Gram and PopPop came just as you woke up from your nap – full of smiles. Your sisters helped you open you presents, and even let you play with some of them. We had a lovely dinner (interrupted only briefly by Katherine’s upset tummy.) Kathy and George brought Darcy and Sebastian over for cake and we all sang and helped you blow out the candles. And you had your first cupcake, not eating the cake, but certainly enjoying the chocolate frosting all over your face. And then a warm bath, snuggly jammies, and a comfy bed to sleep in.

I can’t believe that you, my baby, are already one. There are many days when I just want to stop time and keep you sweet and snuggly. But I know that I can’t keep you little forever. Instead, I enjoy each day as you learn something new, discover a new trick, laugh your belly laugh, shout at your sisters, wrap your arms around my neck, scoot across the room, and squeal with delight. Every day with you is a treat for me. I love you Abby. Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

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