Saturday, August 2, 2014

Even the most wonderful of trips come to an end. And the drive home always seems longer than the drive there. That's how it felt today. Another great day overall, but a long day of driving that never seemed to end!

We stopped first in Williamsport Md to visit the C&O canals. It was actually more interesting that I expected, and the girls were happy to complete the activities required to be sworn in as junior rangers!

Then it was off to drive through the very northern edge of Maryland where we found Route 40. Route 40 took us up into Pennsylvania, and we later discovered that it was the first national highway/tollway/road. I learned this after Chris saw a sign on the side of the road for a national park and veered sharply into the parking lot! Another national park to explore! YES!
(No! Groaned the rest of us!)

This was Fort Necessity, And again, it ended up being far more interesting than expected. We learned about the French/Indians/George Washington battling for land, negotiating peace, and then the eventual building of a road through the mountains to connect distant land to the growing country of the United States. Or something like that.

Back on the road, Chris finished driving through all the mountains. We soaked up the amazing views. I took over driving just before West Virginia, and it promptly started to rain. Then Maggie announced an urgent need for the bathroom. We stopped, but not much after that, the rain became unsafe, and Maggie needed a bathroom again. It was nearly 5, so we stopped for dinner just inside of Ohio. We thought the rain would pass while we ate, and for the most part we were right.

After dinner at Panera, we got back onto the highway where traffic was at a standstill. We inched a long for about 15-20 minutes unable to see what the problem was. But then we came upon 2 accidents, it seemed both involved a spin out, most likely due to the heavy rain. I was very glad we had stopped when we did.

We pushed on and made it to Columbus before 8. So tonight we spend our last night away from home, in a fairfield inn off of I-70. Hopefully our travel tomorrow will be smooth and we will sleep in our own beds tomorrow night!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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