Monday, September 28, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Funny Katherine.
Monday, September 14, 2009
So, I’m a terrible person for updating on Maggie’s first day of Kindergarten, but not Katherine’s first day of preschool. But I had a good reason. It was too traumatic, and I was hoping it might get better! Thankfully, it has!
Katherine was so excited for her first day of preschool. She’s been waiting to go for what seems
like years – since she has watched Maggie go and have so much fun. Finally it was her turn – she could sing the songs and play with the toys and make new friends. We arrived at school and met her best friend Emily on the way in – perfect! We stopped to put the “princess” folder in her cubby – no problem! But as we walked in to the room we were greeted with a little girl throwing a tantrum of epic proportions. Katherine took one look at her and started crying and clinging to me. She lost it. She begged me not to leave her, begged me to go home right then. Thankfully the wonderful teachers in her classroom took her from me and eventually settled her down. Actually, about half of the 20 students were having some sort of meltdown. I went out the hallway, and had a few tears myself before peeking in to see that she had settled and then bravely walking away. I KNEW she’d be fine, but I was surprised at her tears, and my own! When I went back 2 hours later, she was all smiles and the teachers reported that she’d had an excellent day. And in 2 drop-offs since then, she’s been just fine. She told me in the car on the way home that she had made a new friend, a “tissue friend.” What is a tissue friend? Well, the little girl she sat with had a tissue, and so did Katherine – apparently to wipe the tears away!
So with both girls at school, that leaves me alone with Abby. It’s amazing how quiet it is with just the two of us in the house. Well, until Abby starts her shrieking. I can’t imagine where
she’d learn to be so talkative, but she sure does enjoy hearing her own voice! She’s moved past blowing raspberries to high pitched shrieks, and still loves to go back and forth with anyone who will sit and make noises with her. She is not loving her baby food. You’d think that a chubby girl would enjoy food in any form, but she is not too thrilled with cereal or bananas from a spoon. We keep offering it every few days though. Sooner or later she’ll learn how fun it can be! We’re also hoping she learns (sooner rather than later) that rolling from tummy to back is fun and easy to do. She flips from back to front in no time, but still gets stuck and shrieks
And grown up Maggie. This is her third week of Kindergarten already. Each day she jumps down from the bus and almost before I can ask her, she grins and says, “Another AWESOME Day, Mom!” There are so many questions in my head, but I try not to ask them all at once. She is worn out, but at the same time, ready for some free playtime after a full day of structure. She’s been practicing her bike skills with Daddy and has the bumps, bruises, and band-aids to prove it. She also eats so well at dinner – since she is only eating about half of her lunch at school. The 15 minutes of eating time goes by too quickly when you’re talking to your friends! She absolutely loves school! She has had some less than stellar moments though. We had a rough time in church yesterday, which was followed by an even worse afternoon. In church, she was not following directions and was warned that if she continued to be naughty she would have a time out and no TV once we arrived home. She ignored the warning, and so, once we were home, she was sent to the time out chair. Once her time was served, she was told she could go to the front porch to read or to her bed to read, while I made lunch. This was to keep her out of sight of the TV, where Katherine was going to choose one show to watch during
lunch prep. Due to her sobbing, the choice was made for her, and she was sent to her room. So I prepared lunch, Abby slept in her carseat, Katherine watched her TV, and Maggie read in her bed…. or so I thought. After about 10 minutes, I had funny feeling and took a little walk to the stairs. There I found Maggie about halfway down the stairs, leaning over the railing to be able to see the TV in the family room. Bad choice, Bad choice! More tears and more punishment, and thankfully, after lunch, NAPS!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Today however, all that fun ended! It’s the FRIST DAY OF SCHOOL! Maggie was so excited for her first day of Kindergarten that when I came into the kitchen and said “Good morning Maggie” she responded “Don’t you mean KINDERGARTEN GIRL?” She was fed, dressed, and ready to go about 45 minutes early. I let the girls watch a TV show and then we headed out to the bus stop, a full 10 minutes early. She got so tired of waiting that she was convinced the bus wasn’t going to come, but it did, she hopped on without a care in the world, and off she went.
Katherine and Abby and I chased the bus over to the school and met her coming off the bus and helped her find Mrs Potter. Then we watched her follow in line into the building. I got a little teary-eyed, but didn’t have time to wallow, it was off to GYMNASTICS!
Katherine started a gymnastics class today. Once a week for 45 minutes, and with her best friend Emily (who will also be in her preschool class.) She was so excited to wear her “weed-a-tawd wif spawk-els.” She told me her favorite part was swinging from the rings and doing freeze dance on the trampoline. She misses Maggie though – asking 3 times before naps if it was time to go and meet the bus yet. Next week she’ll start her regular school hours, and then she won’t have time to miss Maggie. School is M-W-F, 9-1115 and gymnastics on Tuesday morning.
Cute Katherine story from the weekend. We spent a lazy day on Saturday, cooking, working in the yard, not going anywhere, so Chris didn’t shave. That night, as he was giving goodnight kisses, she pulled away and said with disgust, “Daddy, you’re face is TOO SCRATCHY!” He, of course, then rubbed his cheeks on hers even more as she squealed with glee. But ultimately, she took his face in her hands and declared “I will only kiss you like THIS!”
Abby doesn’t seem to care who kisses her or how - she LOVES kisses and raspberries and anything goofy. She is all smiles and giggles. She wants to be involved in everything around her. If she’s on her back on the floor, she tries to lift her head and sit up. Obviously she can’t, so instead she’s getting a great Ab work out! She also will turn her body wherever she is so she can see what all the commotion is about. She will engage you in conversation, if you blow raspberries at her, she’ll answer with her own. She changes her volume and facial expressions as she “talks” and it is beyond cute. We brought the exersaucer out over the weekend and she is entertained by it, but not for long. She’d rather roll on the floor. She tried rice cereal last week, and it wasn’t her favorite, but she is practicing. She doesn’t spit it out, but she isn’t thrilled about it either. She’ll get beans or bananas by the end of the week and maybe she’ll like those more.