Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wow, I guess I'm a slacker with this blog! It's been more than 2 weeks! OOPS!

Busy times around here though - we're now only 5 days from Baby's arrival and we've been busy getting ready. Add in Holy Week and Easter and Spring break - who has time for blog updates?
The girls loved everything about Easter. They even made it through a 2 hour Holy Thursday mass with minimal frustration.  It helped that they had trumpets and trombones to admire - not part of the usual music at Sunday Mass!  Obviously it was a crazy week for Chris - and we all breathed a sigh of relief that baby cooperated and didn't try to interrupt the busy week!

The Easter Bunny brought puzzles, coloring books, chalk and bubbles. And of course, there were eggs to find.    He also left a note, responding to Maggie's note she left for the bunny to find. Maggie noticed right away that the Easter Bunny used the same wording/phrasing that Santa used in his note. Good thing she hasn't recognized handwriting yet.  Daddy is going to have to work on that before the next holiday!The first day of spring break we went back to the Mitchell Domes to enjoy free admission!  It's always refreshing to spend time surrounded by flowers and tropical climate - esp on a cold, grey day.  And it gave us a chance to get one more Mommy and Girls picture before #3 arrives!
And speaking on #3.....My doctor appointment this week was not quite as stellar as my previous appointments have been. I managed to make it farther with this pregnancy than with the other 2, however, my blood pressure was up and I was put on "restrictions" until I deliver on Tuesday.  Nothing major - I was advised to "be a princess" until Tuesday.  Luckily Chris is still on break - so he's able to do the hard stuff, and I'm trying my best to take it easy.  He took the girls to the zoo today to enjoy the 60 degree weather. I stayed home. He raked in the yard and hauled leaves this afternoon. I sat on a lawn chair and supervised. He's been a cleaning maniac for the last few days- making sure everything is perfect before baby arrives and who knows WHEN we'll have time for deep cleaning again.  I'm so lucky to have such an amazing husband!

And so there you are. We're going to relax through the weekend enjoying nicer weather and resting up! Surgery is scheduled for 0730 on Tuesday. We're all very excited to meet the newest Sepersky!

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