Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A collection of random thoughts and and events from the last week.  Not sure I can make them all flow logically. So just enjoy! 

Here we have Maggie and Katherine last week Thursday. I forced them outside after naps to enjoy the sunshine while it lasted. I knew we were in for a cold, wet weekend. They loved riding bikes and taking their dolls for walks in their play strollers.  Luckily, their speed (needing to stop and check their babies frequently) matches my pregnant walking speed.  None of us will win any races anytime soon!

I was right about the weekend forecast. It was cold, grey, rainy and then SNOWY. We received almost 6 inches of snow. Most has melted already - but it confused Maggie once again - she is not willing to accept that although it is SPRING it can still be SNOWY and COLD! Someday she'll figure it out!

On Sunday, the girls and I opted out of church. I just couldn't handle the thought of driving through the mess of snowy un-plowed roads, to then climb over snowbanks with both girls just to get to Mass.  Instead, we stayed home being fairly lazy. However, Baby felt the need to cause some drama. For almost 4 hours on Sunday morning,  I could not get her to move.   I ate, drank, poked, rested, moved, ate more, drank more (even coffee) and poked some more.  she would NOT respond.  She had not moved at all since I had woken up that morning. The longer it lasted, the more worried I became. I eventually called Chris at church, and asked him to come home so I could go to the hospital to be checked.

(side note of history. Katherine's birth was unexpectedly dramatic when her heart rate dropped significantly. On delivery,  the Doctor found out that the reason was  a true knot in her cord - which was getting tighter and tighter.  Even the doctor was shaken by the thought that, if not for being monitored at the time, she might have tightened that knot completely and died.  This is what was racing through my mind the longer #3 wasn't moving.)

So, I went to the hospital, and they hooked me up to a monitor. It took an extra 45 seconds longer than usual to find the heart rate, but it was there. However, she really was NOT active for a long time. The nurses agreed that I did the right thing by coming in, because even  they were surprised that her heart rate, while present, was not accelerating and changing as much as normal for the first 20-30 minutes that I was there.   Eventually she perked up and actually since then, it has been near constant movements and kicks.  I was very glad to have those 2 hours in Labor and Delivery though - it definitely put my mind at ease! I had my 36 week check up yesterday and everything continues to go well. My blood pressure was slightly higher than it had been, but nothing to be concerned about. We're still on track for April 21!

Probably the most exciting event of the week though - for all of us - was the purchase of a REAL PIANO!  Chris and I have dreamed of owning a piano for the 10 years we've been married. Finally this house had the space; it was a matter of finding the right piano, the right time, and the right price. The stars aligned last week when we found this Kawai at a used piano sale. It has been lovingly cared for by Chris' piano tuner, and is in excellent condition.   

Coincidentally, Maggie essentially taught herself how to play "Twinkle Twinkle" on her mini electric keyboard last week. It was just the push we needed to agree that now was the perfect time to buy the piano - seeing that she is so interested in playing actual songs.  It took her about 10 minutes yesterday after the piano was delivered to transfer her knowledge to her "real piano."  

Chris wasn't home when it was delivered, due to parent/teacher conferences he didn't get home until about 8pm. So the girls were allowed to stay up late waiting for Daddy.  You can imagine the thrill of having Daddy come home and play fancy music (as well as a collection of familiar tunes.)  They danced wildly around the living room while he played and I think we all shared a night we'll remember for a long time!
A few other funny stories from the week.  On a grey, rainy day maybe 2 weeks ago, the girls were lamenting the lack of sunshine. I suggested that if they sang songs about the sun, the sun might hear them and come out.  Of course they started singing all the sunshine songs they could think of, and the next day I was proven right, the sun came out and they though it was magic! Yesterday, as we drove to the sitter, Maggie sighed dramatically from the backseat and announced, "Perhaps I should sing more songs about the sun, so he will come out again!" I chuckled at her vocabulary and said simply,"Perhaps, Maggie." She answered with, "yes, perhaps I will." And the songs began. Luckily - the sun is out today. Thank you Mr Sunshine!

Katherine's independence caused a funny moment last week. She ran through the kitchen to the bathroom saying to me "I'm going potty Mommy and I don't need ANY help!"  Of course, I know well enough that she would need SOME help. I gave her about 2 minutes and called, "How's it going Katherine?" she replied, "Um, Actually, Not so good!" I went in to find that she had been so excited to be independent, and the need had been so urgent, that she had neglected to take off her undies, and had halfway missed the toilet. I found her standing using the hand towel to try and clean up the mess she had made. It was so funny that I couldn't even be mad about the mess!

And I think that brings us up to speed.  I need to sit and do this more often so the stories are more current and logical.   Perhaps I'll work on that!

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