Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another week of milestones here in the Sepersky house.  Maggie finally outgrew the straps of her car seat. And, though she isn't actually 40 pounds, she does meet the criteria of being more than 4 years and 40 inches, so she  graduated to a new car seat. This one uses a regular car seatbelt, instead of a 5 point harness belt system. She is THRILLED.  Now, she needs to learn how to do the buckle independently!
Katherine also graduated - to Maggie's OLD car seat. She has been waiting for this switch, although it has caused some confusion. She seems to think that the baby should arrive NOW - since the seats are ready!  
And yes, all three seats WILL fit in the  back seat of our car. It will be tight, but it will work. Maybe someday I'll get my minivan! Someday!

Katherine's other "big girl" accomplishment this week was her first hair cut. Yes, she's 2 1/2.  But I happen to LOVE her curls, and Maggie's curls disappeared after her first hair cut, so I've been stalling. The dry winter air, constant "hat-head" and frizzy split ends finally got to me. She was SO SHAGGY all the time.  I'm a terrible mom and forgot to bring the camera to the salon, but I can report that she sat perfectly still the whole time. She actually looked mad, her face was so serious, but if you asked her any questions, she grinned from ear to ear!  She came out with a cleaned up, healthy looking set of curls. My stylist thinks she'll keep the curls at least until she gets "grown up"hair - whenever THAT is!
Here are the best "before and after" shots I could capture.

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