Thursday, April 7, 2011

This morning started out a little rough. For unknown reasons, all 3 girls were particularly crabby and each had found a reason to cry before breakfast. It was just one thing after another and nothing I did made anyone happy. It made for a frustrating morning. But then, we decided to walk Maggie to the bus since we had nowhere to rush to this morning. And as we set off down the block Katherine called "LET'S SKIP!" Watching my 3 girls skip (or desperately try in Abby's case) made all of the crazy disappear. Let's hope for more spring weather, more time outside, and less crazy crabbiness!

2 weeks ago our good friends Phil and Stephanie came to visit from Green Bay. We declared it to be "Sepersky Family Mental Health day" and everyone stayed home from school to play with the Hart family. We went downtown to Discovery World where Abby once again overcame her fear of fish
and went to the Mitchell Domes on Saturday.
Sidenote to their trip. On Friday, while crossing the street in downtown Milwaukee, Katherine tripped and fell. She had pretty impressive scrapes on her left 4th and 5th fingers, but was fine once we were able to clean and bandage them, and life went on. 3 days ago(10 days from the injury) She woke up complaining that her left arm hurt. As any good Mom would do, I gave her a little sympathy and then went on with the day, no big deal, she had just slept wrong, right? Except that after her bath that night, it was clear that her left ring finger was red and swollen. Hmmmm. Tuesday morning when it had not improved, she was taken tot he doctor, had xrays of that finger, and was diagnosed with an infected finger, though luckily not a bone infection. She's now on a 10 day course of Augmentin to clear the infection. She is still babying the finger, and says it hurts. But she's also using it more and more, so I do think it is healing. What's that phrase? Never a dull moment!

On Monday, the 28th, Aunt Nora came to visit. We were all thrilled to have some extra time to just hang with Nora. Katherine enjoyed reading books,
Abby pulled out her fanciest costume,
And Maggie and Katherine discovered that Aunt Nora is talented enough to give simultaneous back tickles. What a treat to have her visit, Hooray for Spring Break in the Midwest!

Katherine is somewhat obsessed with my camera these days. At first, she was taking pictures of furniture. But now that she's mastered the self-portrait, this is what I find on my camera. Every time.
Sunday was the Award Luncheon for Chris' Kohl Fellowship Award. We drove through a massive hailstorm to get there and had a great time celebrating Chris. The soggy croissant sandwich and pasta salad lunch wasn't too exciting. But, it was very exciting to share the moment with Chris, being recognized for all of the hard work he does. His 2 principals, 2 fellow music teachers, and the Superintendent of his district joined his mom and me in clapping for him.

Speaking of major accomplishments, Chris' building project for Church is almost done. He had a "soft" grand opening 2 weeks ago and the response has been fabulous. It is a beautiful building and the parish is grateful to Chris for his leadership. The official dedication is May 1. You're all invited!

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