Sunday, April 17, 2011

Last weekend, Abby had a terrible runny nose. It was constant and messy, both gross and adorable. Monday I had a stuffy nose; I was not adorable. Wednesday I lost my voice. And by Thursday night into Friday it was a full blown monster cold, the type I get usually only once a year. But the one that sends me to a doctor because of my asthma. I actually thought I was doing well, using my tricks to conquer this cold. I stayed home from work Friday, but thought I'd be able to go back today.

Until I woke up with pink eye.

So, instead of work, and instead of Palm Sunday Mass, I went to urgent care at 8am. With my 3 darlings. I left with Bronchitis, Pink eye, and so many compliments on my adorable, well behaved children, I wondered if they were really talking to me. I'll be fine.

But these well behaved children? At least one of them has been a real stinker lately!

That sweet face, who yesterday climbed over the guard rail between the upper bunk bed and the wall, "just because" and got completely stuck.
Or how about today, after a trip to the Doctor and the Pharmacy, and after a special treat of McDonald's for such good behavior (and let's be honest, limited lunch mess for me to deal with.) I was on the couch, resting. The girls were happily playing. I overheard Maggie and Katherine decide to see how far they could throw a small ball. I interrupted them before they could find out, and asked them the questions that have been used quite a bit lately, "WHY?" followed by "What did the little voice in your head tell you about that?"
Maggie hung her head and replied that her little voice had told her "We're not supposed to throw things in the house, this isn't a good idea."
Katherine looked me straight in the eye and reported that her voice had told her "Mom's eyes are closed, She won't know, go ahead and do it!"

The birthday girl, Abby, she'll never be sassy like that, right? Look how grown up she is with her mini-laptop. She'll always be mature and easy to handle, right?
WRONG! Look what happens when I let Katherine outside to play before Abby, while Abby was happily coloring at the table.....

She took the container of crayons and dumped it on the table. And when I turned around and said "ABBY, what did you do?" She looked right at me and used her hands to push the crayons all onto the floor.

Maggie is grown up enough to be trusted, right? Look how studious she is at Science night, studying the colloids that she and her friend Clare made with the "Mad Scientist"
We won't discuss how moments after arriving home with "SLIME" in a jar, (which the scientists strongly advised to keep away from carpet,) she opened her jar and slopped slime all over the living room carpet.

I guess it's a good thing that they are usually so adorable. Last Sunday it was nice enough to wear summer clothes and sandals to Church. When Maggie learned that she didn't need to wear tights or a coat, she shouted, "I feel like a brand new kid!"

Abby wasn't quite ready to give up wearing her winter hat. In fact, she continues to pull it out almost every day. Earlier in the week she did NOT need it, but we had snow yesterday and more in the forecast for overnight tonight, so we haven't put our hats and mittens away yet.

Katherine is improving her reading quite a bit. She is sounding out words, but also memorizing a few of her more favorite books. Still, she is quite proud to take Abby and read to her "Like a real big sister." And earlier today, while I was on the couch, she brought me 2 books and told me "Mom, I'll read to you, because you read to me when I don't feel good."

Yes, I'd say, even at their worst, I'm pretty lucky to have these beautiful girls in my life.

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