Thursday, July 16, 2009

Yup, Abby, sometimes I agree with the expression in this picture - What is going on? Who ARE these people I live with?
Maggie is innocently playing with the pretend kitchen out on the deck - right? Nope - that dark lump in the microwave - it's a FROG! She LOVES to find frogs in our yard. She is not at all afraid of catching them, holding them, playing with them. It's gross really - but this girly-girl has no problem! On this morning, she decided that instead of her usual bucket - she'd make a house for the frog in the microwave.
They might have stayed there all morning, watching him jump around his new house. They gave him sticks, leaves, and a tiny pot of water. They eventually let him go and I don't think he was injured at all in the process!

The next day we went to the Milwaukee Public Museum. Again the most exciting parts for my girls? The gory T-rex eating a Triceratops! Katherine cried when we had to leave, because she wanted to stay and "Watch him EAT that guy"
Maggie loved a container full of Giant Hissing Cockroaches!
And butterflies. Now butterflies seem harmless, but to let them land on you, walk on you, sit in your hand? I'm a little squeamish (though I might have been ok with a butterfly) Not to worry - Maggie had no fear, and proved to be an excellent Butterfly Huntress!
Katherine was interested, but only in the concept. The few times she could have held a butterfly - she chickened out!
Again, Abby seems to question why she is stuck on this adventure with us!
At the end of the day, Chris bought them a treat - a new wading pool in the shape of? A SHARK with huge teeth! They loved it, and though it wasn't too warm outside, they splashed until it was time for dinner.

The pool was actually a bribe. He took them with while shopping for an anniversary gift for me. Despite our conversation from the day before agreeing to NOT buy each other presents. He had to buy them the pool so they would not tell me where they had been or what else was purchased. So far, they have told me nothing, other than "We didn't get YOU anything!"

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