Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's been one of those days. So here's my free therapy, reflecting back on the last few days, remembering how much fun we've had, and how lucky I am.

Thursday was the opening night of Milwaukee's German Fest. It should be illegal to spend a summer in Milwaukee and not visit the Summerfest grounds for at least one festival. Honestly, I'd choose Irish fest over any of the others. But Maggie has fond memories of "Polka Party" (as she calls it.) Opening night it was free admission, and $1 off beer and food. A bargain at twice the price!
Maggie and Katherine enjoyed dancing to some polka music before we found "dinner" and set
up our
picnic in the playground area. Chris had sauerbraten, I had chicken, and the girls had Kettle Corn and Funnel cake. It was a perfect summer evening, not hot or cold, just perfect. The big girls played and Chris and I thought back to 10 years earlier - the night of our rehearsal dinner with insane heat and humidity followed by severe storms which knocked out the power at the restaurant. Who could imagine that 10 years later we'd be enjoying a gorgeous evening along the lake with 3 beautiful daughters. We are so blessed.

Friday was our actual 10th anniversary. Chris and the girls had been very secretive about a surprise he had been working on. It turned out to be an amazing photo book he created on Snapfish - our 10 years of marriage in pictures. Maggie and Katherine love surprises of any sort. But they were beyond excited for this one, since they'd "been in on it" and had successfully kept the secret from me. We all went mini-golfing as a special treat Friday morning. I forgot to bring my camera, but believe me, it was interesting. Abby slept in her stroller, and the big girls created plenty of new techniques for getting the ball in the hole. Or, not in the hole, depending! Friday night Chris and I enjoyed the luxury of a babysitter and went out for a wonderful dinner alone! It's hard to believe it's been 10 years, but I can't wait for the next 10!

Saturday was our annual trip to "Aunt Peggy's Lake House" in Salem WI.
As always, we had a wonderful time. The weather was perfect. Chris and the big girls enjoyed swimming in the lake. We all enjoyed seeing family that we don't see often enough.
In the car on the way home, I heard the girls had coins in their hands. I assumed my Dad, or perhaps Uncle Mike had given them each some pennies. When I asked who had given them the coins, they both slyly said "Nobody." When I asked if they had taken them from the car console, "Um, no?" At that point they both go very quiet and it took some creative investigation to determine the truth. Apparently there was a dish of coins on the lower level of the house. Maggie explained that she thought they belonged to "Nobody was there, so we took them, cuz no one else was using them!" Thieves! And they're only 3 and 5!

Which brings me to today. One of those days. Just getting everyone up and dressed and out to church by 830 was a challenge. The the girls were just squiggly in church. Not naughty, but not as well behaved as I would normally expect. When we got home from church, there was a battle of wills so epic I thought the neighbors might call social services. I was just DONE by 1130. However, in the midst of their behavior issues, they were also as cute as cute can be.
In the car coming home from church...

In the car on the way home from Church

M – That looks like Fr Bob’s car!

K – Can we go to his house sometime?

(Me- Sure, someday)

K – Is Fr Bob a boy or a girl?

M – He’s a BOY (full of exasperation!)

K – Ok, so if he’s a boy you say HE but I’m a girl, so then you say SHE.

(Me) Yes, that’s right Katherine. (And now moving on to diagramming sentences…..)

And then over lunch

K – Mommy, Pop Pop is your Daddy.

Me- yes he is, but who is my Mommy?

K – Gwam!

M- And Daddy’s Daddy is Grandpa, but he died.

K – Yeah, he died, but we have his heart, so we can still see him!

(the girls have a small ceramic heart that opens to reveal a picture of Mike, they received it from a friend when Mike died.)

K- But where does he live if he is dead?

M – He lives up with God and Jesus

K – Like, upstairs, in Abby’s room?

M – NO SILLY – up in the clouds, with God and Jesus, Grandpa lives with them in heaven

K- Oh

M- But, Grandpa was MY Grandpa.

Me – Well, he is your Grandpa and Katherine’s Grandpa.

K- But he doesn’t know Abby, cuz she’s just a baby

M- Well, Grandapa DOES know Abby, cuz God gave us Abby, and Grandpa lives with God, So he must have known Abby before, when God gave her to us.

And so I was reminded of the joys of parenting. Ups and downs and everything in between. I'm pretty lucky!

1 comment:

  1. You ARE pretty lucky. And you remind me, beautifully, that I'm "pretty lucky" to be Pop-pop to your girls and just Dad to you. Love, Dad
