Saturday, February 7, 2009

A passive aggressive reminder from my youngest sister is inspiring this post. I've been trying all week - but interruptions or writer's block seem to get in the way.  Honestly, the week was nothing exciting. The big adventure was Thursday - going to an indoor playground for  a couple hours to beat the 'Cabin Fever' that was plaguing us.  The girls had a BLAST  and love to tell everyone they meet that they went "to the park......the INSIDE park!"

It was warm today - 50 degrees. We made the most of the day. The girls and I took 2 walks; not too far, but it was nice to be out. Chris and I managed to remove the Christmas lights from the front of the house. We pulled them down to avoid using a ladder!  We also cleaned out the garage a bit, moved snow and chopped ice - to encourage the melting snow and ice to travel AWAY from the house!

The other major project of the weekend (because what's a weekend without a major project?) was painting the office/baby's room.  This turned out to be a MUCH BIGGER event than planned. The painting wasn't too bad (says Chris, who did the actual painting.) But we happily discovered that although the network computer equipment DOES need to remain in the room, it does NOT require the large desk to remain. So the desk was taken apart and carried to the basement.

But what to do with the space? After MUCH discussion, we agreed that putting a twin bed would offer possible overnight guest space, possible tired mommy space (midnight feedings) and was the eventual plan anyway.  After even more discussion, we agreed to change the big girls' room (AGAIN) and bunk their beds, and move Maggie's current bed into the baby's room.

It was quite an undertaking, but it was all completed by 7pm, even with a stop to enjoy a full turkey/stuffing dinner.  Now the girls are chatting happily - very excited about their new beds. And the baby's room is practically ready for  her arrival.   However, I'm just as happy to wait a few more weeks (like 10) to make use of that room!

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