Thursday, November 7, 2013

2 Funny stories from today.

After lunch, Abby and I were watching pre-nap TV sitting on the floor together. She climbed onto my back, and I asked, "Are you a monkey?"
"YES!" she replied with excitement.
"Are we going to swing in the trees if you are a monkey?"
Brief pause before she sighed heavily, snuggled into my neck and said, "No, I think I'd rather be a sloth than a monkey, because then we could just snuggle."

Tonight, after dinner, Chris had to go back into Church for a meeting. The girls were thrilled to have an hour after dinner before needing to start the bedtime routines. They asked to play in the basement. Not long after they went downstairs, I heard them singing, or trying to sing "76 Trombones."  Katherine asked, "How many clarinets were there? 102?" and Maggie snapped back, "No it's COR-Nets not clarinets, and there were 110!" They had a few other creative lyrics, but I was just enjoying the sound of them playing together without fighting.

After a while I had to go down to get something and when they heard me coming, they shouted, "Mom's coming, she can watch the show!"

It turns out they had a very elaborate storyline going. They were a very poor family, trying to raise money so Maggie could go to college and Katherine could go to the doctor for her broken leg. Their fundraising plan involved participating in the local 4th of July parade. Maggie and Katherine were on roller skates, Abby marching behind. Katherine was holding empty trick-or-treat pumpkins, to collect all of the money that the audience was sure to give them as they went by in the parade, singing "76 Trombones." When they weren't singing the lyrics, they each had assigned "instruments" that they were playing.

I gave them no money, but I did congratulate them on their creativity!

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