Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What a day we had. We were excited to welcome Gram, PopPop, Edward and Daniel to our house today. What fun the cousins had together. Just playing outside was exciting. (So exciting I didn't get any pictures! Outside pictures that is, I still took a few other pictures!)

 Having lunch together led to many giggles!
 And then it was off on a ride/walk to our elementary school to enjoy the playground. Daniel was quick to point out that their caravan was a pattern - Bike-scooter-bike-scooter.  I think it was Maggie who added it was also in age-order.
 I asked them to stop right when we got there to take a group picture, figuring I wouldn't get another chance. They were surprisingly cooperative, but bolted once the camera stopped clicking!
(That bolting  may have caused Daniel's belly flop off the playground. But he recovered quickly and jumped right back onto the monkey bars, no harm done!)

We came home for a cookie before sending them back to Skokie. The girls calling 'Come back soon!' as the car pulled away.

Everyone took 1/2 an hour of quiet time and during that time, the mail came.  You can't imagine the glee as Abby pulled a box out of our mail box, looked at it and squealed, "It's for us! It's from Aunt Janet!"
(Aunt Janet has been sending the girls occasional packages of treats for their American Girl Dolls.)
 I'm pretty sure Katherine's and Abby's arms were twitching here, wanting to rip open the tissue paper, but being told to wait while Maggie read the note.
I had a clue as to what was in the package, so I was trying to capture the moment that they realized that inside the little bags they would find a super-special treat.   If you look closely you'll see Maggie and Katherine smiling as they see that Aunt Janet made each doll a necklace with the doll's name in beads.
(The packages were not marked with names [that I saw at least] and yet each girl happened to open the package with her dolls' necklace!)

 Check out their fancy dresses, with tote bag and necklace to match!
 Of course the dolls had to get dressed right away.
 And then we had to pose with the dolls.
 And finally the girls took their dolls for a late afternoon stroll.

Yes, I'd say it was a super special day in the Sepersky house. Thank you to our visitors and Aunt Janet for making it happen!

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