Monday, June 17, 2013

Katherine has been very interested in Aunt Nora's running for awhile now. I mean, anything Aunt Nora does is amazing, but to run a race and get a medal? Katherine thinks that is awesome. So, I told her I she wanted to practice, we could find a race that kids could run, and she could run with Aunt Nora.

Yesterday she asked when we would start practicing and I said in the morning. She was so excited, "ok mom, it's a date! We leave at 730!"

And so we did.

I told her we would walk and run, we'd have to build up to a full run. But she was so excited, her walk was more of a bounce, and her jog was a 7 year old sprint!

It was fun though. according to my app we went 1.5 miles in 25 minutes. She's quite proud of that and ready to run more, walk less, and improve her time.

After we had been home for a bit, she came and found me, threw her arms around me in a big hug," thanks mom, that was so fun!"

And that's why we'll do it again!

Striking a pose half way through our adventure!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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