Saturday, May 12, 2012

This picture was from Wednesday night - after going to the Library for FAMILY ART NIGHT and coming home with 3 pirates - complete with hooks and parrots. Oh boy!

But my reason for posting is not about pirates, but rather, the craziness that sometimes happens with these girls.

Chris was gone all day today at a conference. The girls and I worked hard, changing sheets, doing laundry, cleaning house, and  most of all, cleaning the garage and then starting to organize for the rummage sale we are having next weekend. (Yes I hate the idea of doing the rummage, but we have so much stuff and the whole block does it. Peer Pressure!)

So a college roommate was going to be in town, and we arranged to meet at a Gelato store for a late afternoon treat. We did that, then played at a nearby park, and finally headed home after 2 hours of fun. On the way home, Maggie suggested singing 'Row Row Row your Boat' in a round. I giggled to myself, but didn't say anything. She started singing, but so did the other girls. So then she said, No, Katherine starts and then I'll sing. So Katherine started, but ended up in unison with Maggie, and Abby  started crying "I WANT TO SING ROW DA BOAT TOOOOOOO!"

I spoke up and said I would sing with Katherine to keep her on the right part. So, we tried that. But then Abby wailed "BUT I WANT TO SING WITH MOMMY!"


We tried twice more, succeeding once, and then I said, "Hey, let's go home this way and look for deer." (Through a forest preserve area)  Maggie reported it was too early, too light for the deer to be out. Katherine suggested that if they sang songs, the deer would think they were lullabies and might come out to say goodnight.

Oh dear, (ha ha) I knew this wasn't going to be good.  Maggie started with Row your boat, Katherine started Twinkle Twinkle, and Abby started Mary had a little Lamb.  Talk about singing in a round!  After about 5 bars they started yelling at each other that they were all singing the wrong songs.  Certainly, the deer would come out if they heard/saw a car full of screaming kids, right?

They agreed on Mary had a lamb, we sang it, and no deer came out.  Soon enough we were home, and they  had other things to fight about.  Just another day in the life!

1 comment:

  1. I just love this post. The pirates are adorable and the story made me laugh. It's amazing how fast cute turns into angry. Thanks for helping me remember to laugh about it.
