Thursday, May 5, 2011

My girls are so funny! Chris went to church tonight. The girls were having a little downtime with the TV while I cleaned up dinner. The doorbell rang, and when they saw that it was UPS, there were shrieks of excitement.
"It's for us Mommy, NOT YOU, Don't even come to the door Mommy!"
Of course I opened the door, but played along with them.
Maggie said "Don't even look or touch Mommy, I've got it!"
However, the box was too large and heavy for her to actually pick up.
After letting them try to figure out what to do, I offered to help. They were distraught; they needed help, but did not want to ruin my surprise.
"Ok Mommy," said Katherine, in her most serious voice,"you can help, but first, close your eyes."
So, I closed my eyes and they let me out onto the porch, and guided me as I bent down to pick up the box. Then I had very careful (but somewhat conflicting) directions on how to get it into the house and up to their room, where they were going to put it under their bed. I did as I was told, putting it down in their room and leaving without opening my eyes.

They've now been upstairs for a solid 10 minutes pushing this box around, trying to find the best hiding spot - it doesn't fit under the bed as planned.
"Not in there, she'll look in there!"
"But she looks everywhere, and she knows EVERYTHING!"

I just called up and suggested that they take a blanket and cover the box and leave it in the corner of their room.
"But you'll peek!"
I promised I would not peek.
Katherine was still hesitant, "Do you REALLY promise? Or are you pretending to promise but it's not really real?"
I gave her my word, my 'for real' promise.

Now they are fighting over which blanket works the best and how many blankets they should use. I am so amused by all of this! The box could be full of dirt and it wouldn't matter - this has been entertaining enough!

And, as long as I'm posting, in other adorable news, Abby came up with a new way to alert me that her nap was over today. She stood at her door, behind the gate, and sang "Are you sleeping, Are you sleeping, A-bi-gail?" (pause) then shouted "I NOT SLEEPING MOMMA!" It was hilarious.

Well, now I'm hearing more fighting than before, it must be time to intervene upstairs. Thanks for joining me in this live-blog event. Tune in Sunday to find out - what is in the box?

I didn't say a word about the box. I went up and helped the girls get into pajamas, but I pretended that the box wasn't there. It killed them. They just wanted to talk about it and have me guess what was in it. And, it's covered in at least 3 large blankets, all tucked carefully so the box is completely hidden. While Katherine giggled, Maggie barely took a breath as she explained "I mean, Mom, it's not for you anyway, the box says 'CHRIS SEPERSKY' and that's Daddy, not you, so it's not even for you, it's for Daddy, but if it WAS for you, I don't even know what it might be, I don't know if it's something for the kitchen or cooking, I just don't know what it would be, we didn't order it, so we don't know, but it's for Daddy, not for you!"
I love these girls!

1 comment:

  1. That is so adorable. I can't wait to meet those girls.
