Thursday, February 10, 2011

It’s a well known fact that the more you do a certain thing, the more it becomes a habit, making it that much easier to do. The same can be said for NOT doing something, the ‘not-doing’ becomes the habit, and it becomes so easy to continue the ‘not do’-ing. Sadly, this blog has fallen into the ‘not-doing’ category. I noticed mid January that it had been more than 2 weeks. And I told myself I would take January off; take a break. But here it is, more than a week into February and I’m struggling to get back into my groove. There’s no shortage of stories to share, just a lack of the ‘oompf’ to sit and write them out.

Stories like Maggie’s first attempt at fundraising for school. When I asked how she planned to ask her grandparents to sponsor her for the school ‘Knowledge-a-thon’ she replied “I’ll just say, ‘I need money, please give me money.’” We worked on a few, more subtle approaches, but in the end, that’s about what it boiled down to. She’s got a lifetime of fundraising ahead of her. I guess we’ve got time to work on her finesse!

Or, how about Abby’s first potty success? Well, success is a relative term. After removing her diaper before her bath last night, she started to pee on the floor. I quickly plopped her on the potty, and she finished her business there. The look of realization on her face as she did so was priceless. It was a look of “So THAT’S what you’re supposed to do?” She was very proud of herself. And her sisters were proud of her too, there was much clapping and shrieking. Never a dull moment around here!

(note to concerned readers, I know she’s not even 2, and I realize that winter is NOT an opportune time for potty training. I do not intend to train her at this point, but I do appreciate that she is interested, and that once the weather is warmer, she might be willing to learn!)

So there you go. It's a start. And I clearly have plenty of material. I hope to be more disciplined about writing. I wanted this to be a record of all those funny stories and memories for the girls. It won't be successful unless I actually write them out. So no more pressure to be eloquent, or have perfect pictures. Just committing to writing more often.

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