Friday, November 6, 2009

Dear Maggie,
As we sat on the floor playing with Abby tonight, you climbed into my lap and said, "Mommy, I was your first baby." And it struck me that yes, you were my first baby, and you have taught me so much in 6 years. How is it that you are no longer a baby, but a bright, happy, funny, sensitive 6 year old?
I still remember bringing you home from the hospital, and putting your car seat on the floor in the living room, and then looking at Daddy and saying "Now what?" We had waited so long to have you there with us, but had no idea what to do with you!
Of course, you made it clear that you wanted to be fed, changed, snuggled, and fed again. And even today, you generally have no problem telling us what you want or need. You have really taught me most of what I know about being a Mom. Sure, Katherine and Abby have contributed, but you were my first baby, you still are my first baby, and I love you so much.
I am so proud of you at 6 years old. You are smart; not only reading well beyond your age, but so inquisitive and interested in every little thing around you. You seem to have a photographic memory as you never forget a single detail. And you like details, and organization, you're very much like Daddy that way. You are also very social - much like me. You want to be everyone's friend. I think that every day you have a story about a new friend, or can tell me that 'so and so' lives on this street, or gets off the bus here, or has 3 sisters, or went on vacation. You know everything about every one, and you care about all of them, worrying about them when they aren't at school, or when they get in trouble.

Most of all though, you are an amazing big sister. Certainly there are days when you fight with Katherine, or whine about having to run and fetch things for Abby. But, overall you are a wonderful big sister. I love watching you read stories to Katherine, or invite her to play with you. I love listening to you talk to each other before you go to sleep at night. I can't usually hear what you're really saying, but I know you're chatting, sharing that special sister time before sleep. And you are so gentle with Abby. She loves it when you bring her toy and make her smile and laugh. She watches you and looks for you when she hears your voice. You take care of your sisters, and it makes me smile.
When you were a baby, Maggie, I used to sing "You are My Sunshine" all the time. You ARE my sunshine, you make me happy (almost) everyday! I thank God for sending you to me 6 years ago. I love you so very much, Happy Birthday baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Janet just sent me the link to your blog. This post brought tears to my eyes.
