One month old. How did Abby get to be one month old already? Time flies when you’re having fun – and when you have three children I guess!
So when we left off, all was going well, Everyone was happy and life was good. That’s all still true. However, Abby’s doctor visit last week threw me for a loop. She had only gained one ounce in over 2 weeks. It was a mystery – as it appeared she was eating well, wasn’t acting hungry, had good output, was not fussy, slept well – all the indicators of adequate breast feeding. (Including my own weight loss, the calories were certainly going SOMEWHERE!) Clearly something was not right, and after some investigation I discovered that she was not transferring milk. She looked like she was eating well, and seemed satisfied, but by checking her weight before and after breastfeeding, I found that she was barely getting anything.
That was upsetting. I mean, my career as a nurse has been helping other women learn to breast feed. I’ve been giving breast feeding advice for more than 10 years. I’ve fed 2 other children. How did I fail this time? And the milk is there! I can pump it out just fine – why won’t she take it directly from me? And how did I miss it for 2 weeks- and not see that she wasn’t getting anything? I felt HORRIBLE!
But at least we knew the problem and it was an easy fix. She’s more than willing to take a bottle, so we did that for 2 days and she gained 5 ounces. Over the last week she’s gained every day. She loves to eat, and because I’m giving her bottles (of my milk and formula) I can see exactly how much she’s getting. It was a hard few days, but things are much better now.
Really, I didn’t have time to dwell on the issue – things were busy here! Maggie had
Graduation was adorable. She was so proud and the smile on her face lit up the room. They sang many songs and each child got to walk across the stage and receive a diploma. Cheesy, yes- but really cute too!
Katherine’s excitement for the week was having an early birthday party at our babysitter’s house. She had to go for the day while we went to Kindergarten, so she celebrated her birthday while she was there. We made cookies to share and all the kids made her birthday cards. It was simple – but she loved it! She’s looking forward to her birthday next week – all she asks for are balloons – I can handle that! I took this picture of her on the hottest day this week - she just cracks me up!
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