Another week has flown by! I think time speeds up as the arrival of the baby approaches. I had my 35 week check today and everything appears to be great. My blood pressure was textbook perfect and there are no reasons for concern right now. This is especially great since it was about this time in Katherine's pregnancy is when I had to stop working and "rest" for 3-4 weeks before she came. I'd rather NOT have any restrictions! I'm happy to just keep my eyes on the prize - April 21!
Last week was Chris' Annual Spring Concert. This year the theme was "Singing the ABCs" each class had a selection ofsongs starting with a different letter of the alphabet. Because he teaches at 2 elementary schools, we went to both of his concerts. The girls LOVED every minute. They knew a number of the songs ahead of time, and had a hard time not jumping up to sing with the kids.
The kindergartners in this picture are singing "Eenie Meenie - Shake your Beanie" each had a beanie baby to shake as directed by the words of the song. It was great - they clearly loved it,
One other story from the week. Driving home from school/sitter last week, Chris and the girls were watching the airplanes lining up in the sky waiting to land. Maggie announced "when I grow up I'm going to be a pilot!" Not wanting to be outdone, Katherine piped up, "When I grow up, I'm going to be an AIRPLANE!" This led to a discussion between the girls about how she couldn't actually be an airplane, but she could be a pilot too. Katherine refused to
take no for an answer, and is still insisting that she will be a plane, not a pilot when she grows up. Chris was laughing too hard to add anything to their conversation. In fact, I happened to call during that time and could not understand him - because he was laughing too hard!
I'll leave you with one more picture - taken after the concert last week. It might be the last family shot before #3 arrives. It also might be the only picture of a very pregnant Ann to be posted!